The grid has been taken down?

Sep 27, 2024

The grid has been taken down? 2 solutions to do before it happens

Survival guide with phone...

1 - Mobile phone Android
2 - Safe Wi-Fi place (Free Wi-Fi, locally or hacked)
3 - Buy 0$ mobile sim card (*)
4 - Create a Gmail (Require phone number)
5 - Register on Facebook (Require phone number and email)
6 - Register on other sites

Survival guide with laptop and a phone...

1 - One Laptop and a phone
2 - Safe Wi-Fi place (Free Wi-Fi, locally or hacked)
3 - Install Tor
4 - Install Vpn
5 - Buy 0$ mobile sim card (*)
6 - Create a Gmail (Require phone number)
7 - Register on other sites

  • Gives you 2 weeks up to 1 month of usage for free.
  • May require legal documents.
  • Must be registered to receive mail.